4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Organization |
Contains a captivating introduction and well-structured paragraphs and maintains organizational structure that intentionally and effectively enhances the presentation of information required by the prompt |
Contains a solid introduction, well-structured paragraphs for each of the arguments, and maintains an appropriate organizational structure to address specific requirements of the prompt. |
Contains an adequate introduction with weakly-structured paragraphs. Uses an appropriate organizational structure for development of reasoning and logic, with minor structure/ coherence |
Contains weak introduction that fails to communicate key ideas. Attempts to organize but lacks, control and structure |
Voice |
The author’s purpose of writing is very clear, and there is strong evidence of attention to the audience. The author’s extensive knowledge and/or experience with the topic is/are evident. |
The author’s purpose of writing is somewhat clear, and there is some evidence of attention to the audience. The author’s knowledge and/or experience with the topic is/are evident. |
The author’s purpose of writing is somewhat clear, and there is evidence of attention to the audience. The author’s knowledge and/or experience with the topic is/are limited. |
The author’s purpose of writing is unclear. |
Word Choice |
The author uses vivid words and phrases. The choice and placement of words seems accurate, natural, and not forced. |
The author uses vivid words and phrases. The choice and placement of words is inaccurate at times and/or seems overdone. |
The author uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety. |
The author uses a limited vocabulary. Jargon or clichés may be present and detract from the meaning. |
Language and Conventions |
Demonstrates and maintains with few errors, a strong command of the Standard English grammar and conventions and cohesion. Response includes language and appropriate tone, to the purpose and specific requirements of prompt |
Demonstrates a fair command of the Standard English conventions and cohesion with few errors. Response includes language and appropriate tone to purpose and specific requirements of the prompt |
Demonstrates an inconsistent command of the Standard English conventions and cohesion. Uses language and tone with some inaccurate and inappropriate features. |
Attempts to demonstrate Standard English Conventions, but lacks cohesion, appropriate grammar and mechanics. |